#13. Mechanics and Physics of Material Failure
- Shailendra P. Joshi, University of Houston, USA ([email protected])
- Pavana Prabhakar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
- Coleman Alleman, Sandia National Lab, USA
- Laurent Capolungo, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
- A. Amine Benzerga, Texas A&M University, USA
- Curt Bronkhorst, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
- Martin Diehl, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Germany
- Hojun Lim, Sandia National Lab, USA
The advent of novel techniques of material synthesis, processing and manufacturing has created unprecedented avenues for the development of materials and structures with engineered properties. Yet, proposing a micromechanical basis for designing materials and structures with superior damage tolerance remains a thornier problem compared to designing microstructures for properties such as stiffness and strength. This is because, material failure is a multi-scale phenomenon. Deformation mechanisms at the atomic scale interact with microstructural length-scales defined by distributions of microscopic defects to trigger damage through flaw nucleation and growth. Coarser length-scales appear with inter-flaw interactions that ultimately coalesce to form mesoscopic damage zones. Interaction of meso-scale structures with specimen/component scale forms the final feature of macroscopic failure. Intricate coupling between such atomistic and coarser scales result in complex failure processes that respond differently to different rates and states of loading. The advent of highresolution experimental and computational frameworks is instrumental in improving our understanding on the nexus between unit failure processes, damage evolution, and material microstructures (e.g. chemistry, defect statistics, plastic anisotropy, and more). Formulation of micro-mechanical damage mechanics models that appeal to the physics and statistics of failure mechanisms provide avenues towards creating process-microstructure-damage linkages. Our symposium serves as a platform to share knowledge on experiments and modeling of damage evolution in advanced engineering materials over a range of length- and time-scales. Modeling frameworks of interest include: atomistic, mesoscale methods (e.g. discrete-continuum mechanics), and homogenization-based continuum micromechanics including problems in multi-physics environments. We welcome approaches that embed statistical features in failure micromechanics. Of particular interest are talks that provide fundamental insights into the physics of failure processes through state-of-the-art experiments.Confirmed Keynote Speakers
• Sean Agnew (University of Virginia / Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States)• Erik Bitzek (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Germany)
• Saryu Fensin (Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States)
• Peter Gumbsch (Franhoefer Institut fur Werkstoffmechanik, Germany)
• David McDowell (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)